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Beard hair thickening

The thickening of hair or beard hair thickening is important if one is looking to grow a beard in order to have an aggressive and bold look. If we look at some of the cultures around the world thick and strong beard have been a symbol of power and manliness. Growing a thick beard requires patience besides many other important factors. The growth and thickening of your beard mainly depends on your genetics and the level of testosterone. In fact the growth and thickening of the beard depends on nature but still you can follow certain steps to help it grow.

-Eat right and take plenty of rest
It is quite obvious but the health of hair on your beard directly relates to the health of your body. Try to include food rich in proteins like eggs, fish and beans. Try to avoid stress and take proper sleep.

-Add minerals and vitamins as supplement
You should include supplements like biotin, vitamin B6, C and E in your diet. Apart from this you can even add beta-carotene, nettle and flax seed oil.
If you can add these supplements in your diet you can have healthier and shiner beard. This would even help you to grow stronger and faster hairs on your beard. These vitamins and minerals can even prevent the greying of hair.
However you should consult a doctor before taking these supplements.
- Be content with what you have
Try to be satisfied with whatever amount you have on your beard as lots of it depends on your genetics and hormones. The hormones and genetics in your body would decide the thickness of facial hair. If you have a thick beard it is good for you as you can give it a good shape around the cheek bones and neck. On the contrary if you have few patches on the cheek you can keep a goatee or moustache.
-Be committed to yourself
Growing a thick beard requires patience along with time and maintenance. Do not shave it for the first time and try to tolerate the itch. Just try to understand the fact that the itching would subside after a few days. Once you have grown a full beard you have to take care. This can be done with the help of a trimmer which would help in the faster and thicker growth of the beard.

-Exercise regularly
Exercise particularly working out in the gym or sprinting on the field can be of great help. These particular exercises will help in better blood circulation and would also increase your testosterone level.
Beard growth directly corresponds to your testosterone level and more testosterone means more beard growth. If you want to keep high levels of your testosterone make sure to get proper sleep and keep stress at bay.
These are certain beard hair thickening tips which should be followed religiously if you want to grow fast and thick hair. All these things should be followed in the right manner.

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