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can't grow a beard

Easy solution to men who can't grow a beard

Easy solution to men who can't grow a beard
Even though it is the most commonly associated to women- the insecurity related to the bod's image, even men are no different and are generally caught in the wave too. The candid jokes on an immature look may be affecting men deeply.

It is seen that a clean and shaved look is a thing of the past. It has just died out of fashion and the rugged beard look has changed ways and become the latest trend all over the world. It may have been a great opportunity for many, but is no relief to someone who can't grow a beard.

Reasons why one can't grow beard?

Mostly growing a beard is a sign of wisdom and maturity, but that in no way means that someone who cannot grow a beard is not mature. Beard growing is related to the testosterone level and genetics. The facial hair depends greatly on the regulation of testosterone at the time when puberty hits in a boy. These hormones fully mature when the person ages 20 or above. The testosterone interacts with the already existing light facial hair and they become darker and thicker. The already existing hair and high testosterone level are generally enough for someone to grow to a strong healthy beard. But, this is not the only factor; the genes play a very important role here. The general idea is that if someone has a high testosterone level then they are bound to grow heavy beard. In reality, the genetics play a great role, how the body reacts to these testosterone is what makes the beards grow. If there are some problems with the genes then it becomes difficult for men to grow beard.

What to do when one can't grow beard?

There are a lot of people who suffer from this problem, but now there is no need to worry about that anymore. Anyone who can't grow beard can take help from the various products that are available:

-Growth oils: there are ample of growth oils that are developed with natural ingredients that should be used by those who are facing issues to grow facial hair. Make sure that these oils suit your skin tone and thus expert advice should be taken.

-There are beard multi vitamins that are used for growing beards by many. These vitamins stimulate the levels of reactions inside the skin making it possible to grow beard quickly and easily without having to go through levels of problems.

- Some even take help of external testosterone; this however is not highly advised as there is a possibility that all you need is an interaction of the existing testosterone than external intake. Make sure that those of you all who can't grow beard are aware, if they actually need external intakes of testosterone.

One should not worry about any conditions, there are a lot of solutions that leads to the growth of healthy beard when one gets hold of the right solution.

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