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Taking care of your beard

Taking care of your beard

Keeping a beard is no easy task
Maintaining a beard is no easy task. It requires dedication and patience, as well as know-hows in grooming and the right style to enhance your facial structure, hair type, and personality. Beards can project a vibe of authority, masculinity, power, and self-esteem. Even celebrities turn to mustaches and beards to exude alpha male qualities, and sometimes, to radiate a more mature and serious image.

Products to keep your beard well-maintained
There are various products like Beard balms and beard wax to keep your beard and mustache well-maintained. First off, cleaning your beard can be a breeze with shampoo and conditioner especially made for beards. One good product is Growther Beard Wash by Beard Farmer. Made with natural ingredients like Aloe Vera, Argan oil, Coconut oil, Avocado oil, Jojoba Oil, Lemon Oil, this product can fight hair loss, makes hair extra manageable, and leaves no soapy residue.

Beard balms and beard wax can help make a beard more manageable. Look for brands that use natural ingredients for growth, conditioning, and moisturizing. Aside from Beard balms and beard wax, there are also beard vitamins that could help promote lustrous beards and supports beard growth.

Beard quick pointers
Here are some beard pointers to keep in mind especially for those who are just starting to grow a beard:
-Be sure to trim your mustache and beard to keep its shape and appearance neat.
- Think twice about coloring your beard lighter than your own hair color. Most of the time, leaving the color of your beard alone is a good decision.
-Your mustache should connect with your beard. If it doesn't, keep the mustache and shave off the beard.

Celebrity beards to emulate
Some Hollywood celebrities sport beards better than the others. For men looking for beard idols to emulate. Try these following guys:
- Jared Leto's Leto's beard emphasizes his long hair and adds to his indie vibe.
-Russell Brand's Brand's beard is well-trimmed and groomed. It also shapes the naturally curly locks of this British comedian.
-Johnny  Depp's beard is far neater and dapper than the one sported by Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the

-Jon Hamm's beard projects an I'm-in-charge air.
-Adam Levine's Maroon 5's vocalist never fails to draw women. One of the things that add to his manliness is his neatly-trimmed beard fitting of a rock star.

The best of the best in beards
There is a yearly contest for facial hair, called World Beard and Mustache Championships. The international contest has several categories. The first one is the mustache category. There are subcategories under this: Natural, English, Dali, Imperial, Hungarian and Freestyle. The second category is partial beards. This is for beards that grow short just below the chin. Under this category are subcategories Natural, Fu Manchu, Imperial, Musketeer, Sideburns, and Amish Beard. The last category is Full Beards which features Impressive Beards that extend long below under the chin. Under this are subcategories Full Beard Natural, Full Beard Styled Mustache, Verdi, Girabaldi, and Freestyle Full Beard.

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